Philadelphia’s own Post Brothers is expanding … and hiring

You may have heard of Post Brothers before, probably because they became instant local celebrities when they went head-to-head with Philadelphia’s building-trade unions.

Long story short, Philadelphia’s building-trade unions wanted Post Brothers to use 100% union labor (at union prices), and Post Brothers wanted a hybrid of both union/non-union workers at its Goldtex project (to save on costs); understandable.

Needless to say, Post Brothers won the battle. They even managed to sneak a crane past union protesters so as to not fall behind on schedule; genius.

Now that PB has a good understanding of the building/development process in the City of Brotherly Love, and all of its quirks and eccentricities, they are investing heavily by taking on more urban projects and increasing their staff.

With real estate on the rise once again, it’s only a matter of time until more and more new construction opportunities become available to interested Philadelphians. For now, they are advertising some local opportunities.

Check out their website here.

Philly is 1st in Arts & Culture

That is, in jobs and job creation.

Although if all of the regular readers remember, Philadelphia was also ranked #1 in “Top US Cities for Culture,” but that is a separate discussion altogether. Now, we’re talking about jobs, tourism, and economic impact.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • $3.3 Billion impact
  • 11 arts/culture jobs for every 1,000 residents
  • $500 Million in combined income
  • Tourists for cultural events spend almost $240 Million (just on meals before/after)

There are more numbers to discuss, but you get the idea. Bottom line, Philadelphia creates jobs through art. Know it, embrace it, and spread the word to all of your out-of-town friends/family.

The Navy Yard is almost 10,000 strong

The Navy Yard, South Philadelphia

Here are some of the big dogs already located at, or in the process of locating to, the Navy Yard:

So as you can see, there is already an impressive list of companies doing business at this popular South Philadelphia location.

The Navy Yard is about to crack the 10,000 job mark, which will soon put them just behind Center City and University City as the 3rd largest business hub in Philadelphia. Pretty impressive for what started out as an abandoned Naval Facility.

To learn more about the Navy Yard, feel free to explore here.