SeedPhilly is putting start-ups and investors together

What better way for both parties to find each other than to be introduced?

Brad Denenberg, founder of SeedPhilly and co-founder of Philly Start-Up Leaders, has come up with a great concept to solve a common problem. If start-ups are always looking for willing investors, and investors are always looking for the next start-up, why not put them both together in one central location.

That’s how SeedPhilly was born.

Philly’s new zoning code promotes sustainability

Although the new code will not officially be put into effect until August 2012, zoning reform advocates are stoked to see what it can do to simplify the process.

Since Philadelphia’s current zoning code dates back to 1962, which was when suburban development was very popular, there were about 1,000 spot changes made to it during the last 50 years. Although the city thought they were doing something good by making changes when they were needed, it just complicated things even more.

When the zoning reform process began back in 2007, the Zoning Code Commission decided to focus on 7 different goals:

  1. Simplify base districts
  2. Simplify overlay districts
  3. Simplify approvals
  4. Improve readability and reorganization
  5. Protect neighborhoods
  6. Promote sustainability
  7. Promote quality and design

Although the first 4 goals, seem to be more complete than the last 3 goals (as of now), “Promoting Sustainability” seems to be one that has been focused on. In the new code, walkable development, solar/wind systems, and storm water management all play a critical role in getting city approval. Bonus space may even be given to developers who’s project achieves LEED certification.

Needless to say, the new zoning code will be a huge improvement over what we have now.

New businesses are seeing value on Ridge Ave in Roxborough

Feel free to call this one “Part II” of the Roxborough Series. Honestly, it’s hard for me not to blog about my own neighborhood when I find a great article from my sources.

Since the 1980s, Manayunk and Chestnut Hill have been known as the Main Street hubs for most of Northwest Philadelphia, but things are starting to change ( … for the better). Not only are Manayunk and Chestnut Hill still thriving, but Mount Airy, East Falls, and Roxborough now all have successful neighborhood development groups of their own and they’re getting things done. Things like streetscape improvements, trash/litter patrolling, and sidewalk planters all help create an inviting environment for those who want to walk along their neighborhood’s avenue (i.e. shoppers, diners, tourists, etc.). It may seem trivial, but it works.

Roxborough has been catching steam over the last 5 years, and new businesses have been building/developing new storefronts and setting up shop in existing retail spots along Ridge Ave; anywhere from Port Royal Ave all the way down to Terrace St. Antique stores, restaurants, pharmacies, and architecture/design firms are taking advantage of Roxborough’s central business location in NW Philadelphia, as well as its close proximity to the Montgomery County suburbs.

If you haven’t been to our neighborhood for a while, take a drive down Ridge Ave and see all of the positive changes that are taking place for yourself.