Drexel continues its expansion

Right in the heart of their campus.

This project has been in the works for some time now, and has actually already broken ground). It will fill a big void on an active block (right across the street from the Drexel Book Store and Mandell Theater).

Once labeled as one of “America’s Ugliest Campuses,” the school has literally transformed an outdated, park-less, concrete area into a modern, green, world-class student town. Not only have these large investments brought in more students, but they have also encouraged lots of off-campus development by private investors to keep those students in the neighborhood.

Jim Fry has truly picked up right where the late Constantine Papadakis left off.

Drexel keeps expanding

Since the unexpected death of Constantine Papadakis, Drexel University has had to cope with some major changes. Not only did they lose a great leader, but the next President was constantly reminded of the big shoes he had to fill.

Enter John Fry.

Since Fry took the helm almost 1 year ago, Drexel continues to pop up frequently in both local and national news for its next plan/strategy. One big goal that was already announced, is that Drexel plans to start expanding east toward Center City.

Here’s a good step in that direction.