Philadelphia has been recognized as one of the “10 Most Exciting Cities in America”

LOVE Park, Philadelphia

I’ve never seen this poll/ranking category before (brought to you by, but it looks to be pretty legit. Not in its title so much, but in its methodology.

And I’m not being biased because Philly made the list … just sayin’.

If you scroll to the bottom of the article, it clearly maps out what categories they chose for the US’ biggest cities, and what makes them exciting (or not). Most of the time with rankings, you really don’t know what criteria is being used to do so; you just see the title.

Here, you do; which helps with legitimacy, IMHO.

Philadelphia has been getting a lot of good press lately (as you have probably seen from my past posts), and here’s just another example of how the city as a whole is improving its image: locally, nationally, and internationally. Not only that, Philadelphia is improving on its functionality as a thriving, diverse, and exciting city.

Read on to learn more about our latest accolade.